Our Team
We are grateful for our dedicated team of course facilitators and supervisors. Read about them here.

Our Team
course facilitators*

Tim Klauke
Tim Klauke
Locating ourselves in our own shoes, bodies, hearts and minds, is one of the best postures from which to ascertain where God is loving us, inviting us, leading us, challenging us, wooing us, deepening us, surprising us. This is the terrain of spiritual direction – a kind of spaciousness that helps me find my way home to myself and to God, from which I can enter more wholly into ways of love and freedom. Risky, and sometime unsettling terrain, but nonetheless, the pathway to opening to and encountering a God who is with us and for us. It’s a privilege and humbling to get to offer this kind of space for others too.
After seasons in both teaching and administration, my training as a spiritual director began through SoulStream in 2016 alongside a Masters in Spiritual Formation through Carey and many years after a Diploma in Christian Studies through Regent College. I trained in Supervision with Lucy Abbott Tucker in 2020. With my wife and two teen children, I have been active in my local East Vancouver church for over 20 years, where I have offered leadership in retreat facilitation, workshops, prayer, spiritual direction, teaching, worship, board governance, children’s programming, and administration. Replenishment comes most readily in listening in the quiet of my garage office, running with my bernadoodle Kona, open water swimming, growing tomatoes, fishing for salmon, preparing food for people around my table, and watching the pen of my journal show me what my life is telling me.

Pearl Nieuwenhuis
Pearl Nieuwenhuis
I was first introduced to spiritual direction during a period of inner wrestling. When I followed through on a suggestion from a friend that I see a spiritual director, I found a deeply sacred space of quiet and welcome. I began the compassionate journey of dusting off a place within me that I recognized as home. It wasn’t exactly easy! But it was good. Spiritual direction has offered me experiences of coming home to myself, warts and all, and discovering God already there lovingly inviting me to wholeness. And this is what I love so much about offering spiritual direction – coming alongside someone as they open up to the mystery of God’s presence and love in all the ordinary bits of their life.
After years of teaching, I completed SoulStream’s Art of Spiritual Direction and an MA in Spiritual Formation. I offer spiritual direction from my home, and since 2011, to students, staff and faculty through the Faith and Spirituality Centre at the University of Calgary. I was privileged to take spiritual direction supervision training with Lucy Abbott Tucker in 2019 and several training workshops in Focusing during the COVID pandemic. I’m married to a very good man and we are parents to 2 beloved, open-hearted adult daughters and a beloved son-in-law. I love the soil, mucking about in small gardens, reading and riding my motorcycle.

Laurel Pritchard
Laurel Pritchard
More and more as I live into spiritual direction both as a practice and a vocation, I am exploring what it means to open up to Love. I have been intrigued by the spiritual formation journey we are all on for most of my life. My earliest memories are of wondering about myself in relationship to others, God, and the world. That curiosity has led to adventures in education and meaningful experiences in fascinating places. I became a teacher almost 30 years ago. Along the way, I went on to complete a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, the Centre for Spiritual Formation and I completed ASD in 2012.
I came to Spiritual Direction with my raw longing for depth beyond what I could learn or places I could visit. For me spiritual direction has been a place of connecting the dots, of telling the truth, of deep listening and an astonishing awareness that God’s boundless love seeps into all of life. Currently, I divide my time between working with budding artists at the school where I teach in Northern Alberta and the rugged shores of Bowen Island, BC where I am privileged to soak up sabbath rhythms. It is an honour and a delight to offer spiritual direction and supervision from both of those places. I love good coffee, writing poems, swimming in the ocean, and watching the light change from my porch in the evening.

Doug Schroeder
Doug Schroeder
My life was dramatically awakened to God beginning in 2005 through SoulStream’s Art of Spiritual Direction training course. I had been formally trained in theology receiving an MDiv degree and I deeply value that training and my 12-year experience of pastoring a Calgary congregation. However, somehow my heart was awaiting the transformation that I was introduced to through SoulStream, contemplative spirituality, and the many heart-shaping authors I have met along the way.
Receiving spiritual direction has opened me to greater freedom and for the past 18 years I have been deeply honoured to bear witness to the transforming work of God in my life and the lives of others through offering direction. I also had the delight of taking part in spiritual direction supervision training with Lucy Abbott Tucker in 2019. I am incredibly grateful for the gift of spiritual direction.
Enneagram certification training in 2013 was also a profound experience for me as this tool has had a unique and incredibly accurate way to awaken me to my life and the lenses through which I see myself, others and the world. The training has opened up opportunities to invite awakening in others through co-facilitating enneagram retreat experiences.
In addition to the goodness of this work, I love hiking in the Rockies, making pottery, reading, volunteering with Youth Centres of Calgary, and spending time with my wife Dorial, my children and grandchildren.

Karen Webber
Karen Webber
Spiritual direction has given me a soft place to land for that deepest part of me that wanted to be heard and tended to. In fact, my longing to receive what I was looking to offer others brought me first to spiritual direction as a directee. It has provided the container through which I have been able to receive grace and hear the tender voice of Love to my soul. And in turn, this is what draws me to offer spiritual direction to others: to hold space for another to hear and receive grace, encounter the tender embrace of God and recognize the heartbeat of God in life. My desire is to live life opening ever more deeply and fully to God.
I completed spiritual direction training with SoulStream (2005) and supervision training with Together in Mystery (2011). My background also includes work as a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and years of experience in church leadership. As well, I am one of the founding partners of SoulStream. Our children now grown, my husband and I enjoy living in Vancouver, BC where walking close to nature makes my heart sing.
course supervisors*

Deb Arndt
Deb Arndt
When I first discovered spiritual direction in 2007, I felt I’d found a home for my deepest longings. These longings were rooted in the desire to know the truth of my belovedness, to experience God in the midst of what was real and raw in my human experience, and to grow in the transforming grace and awareness of myself in relationship with the Trinity. My spiritual director held space for me to make room for these longings and I knew I desired to offer that same kind of gentle and hospitable presence for others. Since completing the Art of Spiritual Direction training with SoulStream in 2009, I’ve had the sacred privilege of companioning others in this way.
I live on an acreage outside of Saskatoon, SK, where sunrises and sunsets frame my days and bring me much joy. I find nature, belly laughs, making deep connections with others, encountering life through reading, co-facilitating retreats and courses, learning, good food and drink, good company and especially my husband and our adult kids. I find all of these to be very life-giving.

Carrie Dickman
Carrie Dickman
One of the hardest yet greatest joys of my life is to have found my way to the contemplative way of life. I didn’t know exactly what my heart was looking for, and immediately knew I had found my way home when I sat for the first time in the circle at Kings Fold Retreat Centre in 2009 and began the Living from the Heart course. I experienced this feeling again as I entered my Art of Spiritual Direction training in 2014. I am forever changed as a result of the training I received and continue to receive as part of the SoulStream community.
What a joy and privilege it is to hold space for the people I accompany in Spiritual Direction and in Supervision. To bear witness to the transformation that takes place in these spaces is another one of my life’s greatest joys. The Irenaeus quote, “the glory of God is a human being fully alive” feels like invitation to be present to all that life offers. Being awake to beauty in all its forms brings me life, and I love to capture it in photos and share them with the ones I love.

Tim Klauke
Tim Klauke
Locating ourselves in our own shoes, bodies, hearts and minds, is one of the best postures from which to ascertain where God is loving us, inviting us, leading us, challenging us, wooing us, deepening us, surprising us. This is the terrain of spiritual direction – a kind of spaciousness that helps me find my way home to myself and to God, from which I can enter more wholly into ways of love and freedom. Risky, and sometime unsettling terrain, but nonetheless, the pathway to opening to and encountering a God who is with us and for us. It’s a privilege and humbling to get to offer this kind of space for others too.
After seasons in both teaching and administration, my training as a spiritual director began through SoulStream in 2016 alongside a Masters in Spiritual Formation through Carey and many years after a Diploma in Christian Studies through Regent College. I trained in Supervision with Lucy Abbott Tucker in 2020. With my wife and two teen children, I have been active in my local East Vancouver church for over 20 years, where I have offered leadership in retreat facilitation, workshops, prayer, spiritual direction, teaching, worship, board governance, children’s programming, and administration. Replenishment comes most readily in listening in the quiet of my garage office, running with my bernadoodle Kona, open water swimming, growing tomatoes, fishing for salmon, preparing food for people around my table, and watching the pen of my journal show me what my life is telling me.

Pearl Nieuwenhuis
Pearl Nieuwenhuis
I was first introduced to spiritual direction during a period of inner wrestling. When I followed through on a suggestion from a friend that I see a spiritual director, I found a deeply sacred space of quiet and welcome. I began the compassionate journey of dusting off a place within me that I recognized as home. It wasn’t exactly easy! But it was good. Spiritual direction has offered me experiences of coming home to myself, warts and all, and discovering God already there lovingly inviting me to wholeness. And this is what I love so much about offering spiritual direction – coming alongside someone as they open up to the mystery of God’s presence and love in all the ordinary bits of their life.
After years of teaching, I completed SoulStream’s Art of Spiritual Direction and an MA in Spiritual Formation. I offer spiritual direction from my home, and since 2011, to students, staff and faculty through the Faith and Spirituality Centre at the University of Calgary. I was privileged to take spiritual direction supervision training with Lucy Abbott Tucker in 2019 and several training workshops in Focusing during the COVID pandemic. I’m married to a very good man and we are parents to 2 beloved, open-hearted adult daughters and a beloved son-in-law. I love the soil, mucking about in small gardens, reading and riding my motorcycle.

Laurel Pritchard
Laurel Pritchard
More and more as I live into spiritual direction both as a practice and a vocation, I am exploring what it means to open up to Love. I have been intrigued by the spiritual formation journey we are all on for most of my life. My earliest memories are of wondering about myself in relationship to others, God, and the world. That curiosity has led to adventures in education and meaningful experiences in fascinating places. I became a teacher almost 30 years ago. Along the way, I went on to complete a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, the Centre for Spiritual Formation and I completed ASD in 2012.
I came to Spiritual Direction with my raw longing for depth beyond what I could learn or places I could visit. For me spiritual direction has been a place of connecting the dots, of telling the truth, of deep listening and an astonishing awareness that God’s boundless love seeps into all of life. Currently, I divide my time between working with budding artists at the school where I teach in Northern Alberta and the rugged shores of Bowen Island, BC where I am privileged to soak up sabbath rhythms. It is an honour and a delight to offer spiritual direction and supervision from both of those places. I love good coffee, writing poems, swimming in the ocean, and watching the light change from my porch in the evening.

Doug Schroeder
Doug Schroeder
My life was dramatically awakened to God beginning in 2005 through SoulStream’s Art of Spiritual Direction training course. I had been formally trained in theology receiving an MDiv degree and I deeply value that training and my 12-year experience of pastoring a Calgary congregation. However, somehow my heart was awaiting the transformation that I was introduced to through SoulStream, contemplative spirituality, and the many heart-shaping authors I have met along the way.
Receiving spiritual direction has opened me to greater freedom and for the past 18 years I have been deeply honoured to bear witness to the transforming work of God in my life and the lives of others through offering direction. I also had the delight of taking part in spiritual direction supervision training with Lucy Abbott Tucker in 2019. I am incredibly grateful for the gift of spiritual direction.
Enneagram certification training in 2013 was also a profound experience for me as this tool has had a unique and incredibly accurate way to awaken me to my life and the lenses through which I see myself, others and the world. The training has opened up opportunities to invite awakening in others through co-facilitating enneagram retreat experiences.
In addition to the goodness of this work, I love hiking in the Rockies, making pottery, reading, volunteering with Youth Centres of Calgary, and spending time with my wife Dorial, my children and grandchildren.

Cherie Tetz
Cherie Tetz
I found myself looking for a spiritual director many years ago. Someone who might offer a spacious, compassionate, present and deep listening, where it would be safe for me to be really honest – and even though I was looking for answers, someone who wouldn’t give them to me, someone who would keep pointing me toward LOVE in the midst of the beauty and terror of my real life.
After experiencing this “listening presence,” I knew I wanted to companion others in the same way. I was trained with SoulStream and have been offering spiritual direction since 2007. Spiritual direction invites me to remember who I truly am, who I always was from the beginning, who God says I am, and that I am never alone. Living “awake” requires courage, and I am grateful for the loving, compassionate, accepting and even playful, divine perspective and presence of my spiritual director. It is a deep joy for me to offer this same spacious presence to others.

Karen Webber
Karen Webber
Spiritual direction has given me a soft place to land for that deepest part of me that wanted to be heard and tended to. In fact, my longing to receive what I was looking to offer others brought me first to spiritual direction as a directee. It has provided the container through which I have been able to receive grace and hear the tender voice of Love to my soul. And in turn, this is what draws me to offer spiritual direction to others: to hold space for another to hear and receive grace, encounter the tender embrace of God and recognize the heartbeat of God in life. My desire is to live life opening ever more deeply and fully to God.
I completed spiritual direction training with SoulStream (2005) and supervision training with Together in Mystery (2011). My background also includes work as a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and years of experience in church leadership. As well, I am one of the founding partners of SoulStream. Our children now grown, my husband and I enjoy living in Vancouver, BC where walking close to nature makes my heart sing.
*Denotes Independent Contractor for 2023 – 2025 cohort