SoulStream Art of Spiritual Direction - Home

Welcome to SoulStream’s Art of Spiritual Direction Program

SoulStream is a dispersed contemplative community seeking to live authentically with Christ by encouraging one another to receive the gift of God’s loving presence in all of life. We desire to walk with, listen to, and care for others with compassion and vulnerability and as one expression of this desire, we offer the Art of Spiritual Direction training program. Our program centers on nurturing the gift of listening. It is a simple gift, deeply attentive, expressly spacious and gently tenacious. It is also a sacred gift. Please know that you are welcome here and invited to explore the possibility of nurturing this sacred gift of listening in you.

Brief Description

The Art of Spiritual Direction is a community of learning and support inviting participants to journey deeper into contemplative experience with God while growing in the art and skill of accompanying others as they awaken to God’s presence in all of life. It includes interactive classroom study as well as experiential practice in the classroom with fellow classmates, out of the classroom with volunteer directees and regular one-on-one sessions with a supervisor. Journaling and reflection papers deepen the learning.
