Karen Webber

Karen Webber

Spiritual direction has given me a soft place to land for that deepest part of me that wanted to be heard and tended to. In fact, my longing to receive what I was looking to offer others brought me first to spiritual direction as a directee. It has provided the container through which I have been able to receive grace and hear the tender voice of Love to my soul. And in turn, this is what draws me to offer spiritual direction to others: to hold space for another to hear and receive grace, encounter the tender embrace of God and recognize the heartbeat of God in life. My desire is to live life opening ever more deeply and fully to God.

I completed spiritual direction training with SoulStream (2005) and supervision training with Together in Mystery (2011). My background also includes work as a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and years of experience in church leadership. As well, I am one of the founding partners of SoulStream. Our children now grown, my husband and I enjoy living in Vancouver, BC where walking close to nature makes my heart sing.

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